St Xavier's Academy, Latehar Was Established at Latehar 2003 under the Catholic Christian Minority Board of
Education (C.C.M.B.E.) Follows the ICSE Board of Syllabus, The Indian certificate of Secondary education Examination
has been designed to provide an examination in a course of general education, in accordance with the recommendations
of the Education Policy 1986, through the medium of English. The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education
Examination will ensure a general education and all candidates are required to enter for six subjects and socially
Useful productive work.
The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education examination is a school examination and the
standard of the examination presupposes a school course of ten years duration. The council for the School
Certificate Examination was Established in 1958 by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate with the
assistance of the Inter-sate Board for Anglo-Indian education. It is registered under the Societies Registration Act
No. XXI of 1860.
The Delhi Education Act.1973, passed by Parliament. The Council has been so constituted to ensure suitable representation of The Government of India, responsible for affiliated schools in their State/Territories for Association of Indian Universities.
The Council is administered by an Executive Committee consisting of the Chairman and four members. The Chief Executive and Secretary of the Council is ex-officio Secretary of the Committee.
The Chief Executive and Secretary acts as Secretary of the Council under the authority of the chairman subject to the overall control of the Council and the Executive Committee, the Chief Executive and Secretary exercises all power the Council related to the administration of the examinations in according with the provisions of the regulations and of other rules and proceduresapproved by the Council from time to time. The council conducts the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education, C.C.M.B.E. Encouraged by a new understanding of the mission of Christ and living in Changing Social context. We endeavor our through our education at apostolate to bring About the kingdom by creating human and just social order.
The endeavor therefore of our educational apostolate is to foster the personal growth of the individuals in becoming intellectually compent morally sound, psychologically whole imbused with sense of divine respectful of the environment, committed to the cause of justice. Love and peace and ever receptive to the challenges of continual growth.
Our educational apostolate therefore aims at creating a human society free from prejudices, superstitions and discriminations based on sex, religion caste and economics status leading to concern for the one another, especially the under privileged.
To implement this vision C.C.M.B.E. expect the collaboration of a supportive and inspiring management a dedicated and united staff, concerned parents and valued assistance of the student both past and Present, of the neighbouring and government authorities.