Just like a child who trusts his father dear
And who delights to feel his presence near
Just like a child whose mind has not a doubt
And whose heart is never proud.
Cho.Here I come, O Lord
Here I come, just like a child
Here il come, O Lord
Here I come, just like a child
Just like a child so weak he cannot stand
But who held firm and tight his mother's hand
Just like a child who sings in bright day light
Fearing not the long dark night.
One more step along the world I go.
One more step along the world I go.
From the old things to the new
Keep me travelling along with you.
Cho. And it's from the old I travel to the new
Keep me travelling along with you.
Round the corner of the world I turn,
More and more about the world I learn
All the new things that I see
You'll be looking at along with me.
As I travel through the bad and good
Keep me travelling the way I shculd
Where I see no way to go
You'll be telling me the way, I know.
Sing life, sing love, sing Jesus,
Sing out whoever you are.
Sing life, sing love, sing Jesus,
Sing out whoever you are.
Life is around us to use or abuse
Life is the great or the small,
Each one of us has the power to choose
Whethere to notice or just ignore life's call.
Love is around us to take and to give
Love bringing life to us all
Each one of us in the way that we live
Shows that we notice or just ignore love's call.
Deeper deeper in the love of Jesus
Daily let me go
Higher, higher in the school of wisdorn
More of grace to know.
O deeper yet, I pray
And higher ev'ry day
And wiser, Blessed Lord,
In the precious, holy word
Deeper, deeper Blessed Holy spirit
Take me deeper still
Till my life is wholly lost in Jesus
And his perfect will.
have loved you with an everlasting love,
have called you and you are mine.
1. Seek the face of the Lord and long for Him:
he will bring you his light and his peace.
Seek the face of the Lord and long for Him"
he will bring you his joy and his hope.
3. Seek the face of the Lord and long for Him:
He will bring you his care and his love.
Bind us together, Lord, bind us together
with cords that cannot be broken.
Bind us together, Lordbind us together, Lord
bind us together in love.
There is only one God, there is only one King
There is only one body, that is why we sing:
Though there are many branches, there is only one vine
We are one in God, that is why we sing:
Dear God please keep me happy today
help me to be bright, cheerful and gay
help me to do the things you want me do
To be to others kind and good,
My parents, teachers and friends you bless
And keep us all in happiness. -2.